If there are only 3 players in a group then the lowest handicapper will be “Captain”

First race 7.45pm.£5 to own or train £.1 tri-cast to win £100. See Eileen Cowell / the Pro Shop to make your investment
The major competition presentations will take place during the race interval at approx. 9 pm
A great night out at Oldham Golf Club, Lees New Road, Oldham, OL4 5PN

Tickets only £5 from Sheila 📞 0161 633 5997 or 07950 561238
Doors open 6.30
Starts 7. 30 prompt
All welcome ❤️♣️♦️♠️✔️

Entry Fee: £30.00 per team (3); Format: Team of 3 Stableford – best 2 scores; Hcp Index Limit: 40.0 (ladies); Other Info: All visitors receive an extra Stableford point.

Thursday 9th May. Senior (55+) Gents Open.

from Saturday 6th April – Junior Golf Sessions
Cost £2 per session per child. Pre-registration will take place at the club, usually outside the pro shop, from 12.30. Parents- please pre-register your younger child/children with Sheila. The junior golf coaching sessions will then take place and will last for around 1 hour. Coaching sessions thereafter will take place on Saturdays at different times around noon until October. For more information please ring Sheila on 07950 561238 or email marketing@oldhamgolfclub.com.
Sunday 24th March – Lady Captain’s Breakfast, Drive In
and Competition
MEMBERS – Support your lady captain! Adele invites all ladies (social or paying members / with or without handicaps) to join her for breakfast (the price has yet to be confirmed) at 10 am, The Lady Captain’s drive in will take place at 11 am followed by a 9-hole match when a Lady Captain’s Team will play against a Lady President’s Team.Please let Wendy Cash or Eileen Cowell know if you interested in breakfast, the match or both.
Due to the course closure on 24th March the planned competition was cancelled
Saturday 23rd March 2024 – Mr Captain’s Drive In and Competition
MEMBERS – open to ALL with a handicap
Mr Captain, Steve Ogden, will drive off at 9am followed by a 4-ball team event, shotgun start, at 9.30am. The format is Stableford with best 2 scores to count. Gents off Yellow Tees, Ladies off Red. It is open to all members with a handicap, including 9-hole and 5-day members, as Mr Captain would like this to be a fully inclusive event with as many people joining as possible.
BRS will open from 9th March for you to enter your team of 4, but please remember that this is a shotgun start, with a draw for starting hole, so you will not be reserving a particular tee or tee time.
Club Captain Steve Ogden and Vice Captain Damian Park (here with Club President John Waterhouse)
Ratification of:-
- Co-opted Council Members Damian Park and Martin Stimson
- Lady President Ann Smith and Lady Captain Adele Keate

1 – Report of the Council and Balance Sheet
2 – Election of Treasurer
3 – Election of the Club Captain and Vice Captain
4 – Ratification of co-opted Council Members D Park and M Stimson.
5 – Ratification of election of Lady President, Lady Captain and Lady Vice Captain
6 – Any Other Business
Yours faithfully J Brooks. Hon. Secretary