Oldham Golf Club has a fledgling junior section led by the experienced lady member Sheila Antrobus. We have a team of dedicated supporters who help supervise and coach on a weekly basis during the season.
Junior coaching sessions run every Saturday from April or May to October. Times vary between 12 noon and 2pm depending on the men’s competition in the morning. The cost is £2 per session. Once a year we also run a four hour “Academy” using a local professional/coach followed by a presentation of prizes.

- 13+ Top group playing nine-hole competitions (boys from the yellow tees and girls from the red tees)
- 8+ group 2 (blue tees)
- 5-7 group 3 (blue tees)
These sessions are open to all existing juniors. Newcomers need to register with Sheila on 07950 561238. Everyone will be taught the basics of the game (including rules and etiquette) before working on different skills with friendly competitions being run for those who have progressed to playing a few holes on the course. We have a large supply of equipment that the youngsters can borrow until they decide that they love the game and wish to buy their own.

Current junior rates can be found on our Membership Categories and Rates page.
We actively promote a child friendly environment and encourage junior golfers at all levels. We have completed our ‘Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures’ which can be downloaded from our Policies page. PDF here >Safeguarding Children and Young People . Our welfare officer is Barbara Whiting. You can be assured that Oldham Golf Club continues to ensure we comply with the appropriate regulations to safeguard your child. Previously we were accredited under the prestigious ‘Clubmark’ scheme. This has now been replaced by England Golf’s Safe Golf accreditation. For our current accreditation certificate pdf click here > SafeGolf-Certificate OGC
We have some wonderful images from our training sessions and competitions. Parents or guardians have kindly given us their permission to publish some of these in a ‘Juniors Gallery’.
Here, one example, as Katia shows us how to chip!