Annual Dinner Dance
Saturday 5th February
Join us for a great night!
Support your club & your Captains David & Janet.

1st Eileen Cowell
2nd Dave Ganley
3rd Chris Bramhall
4th Geoff Allen
5th Damien Park
6th Sarah Kay
7th Ken Lunn
8th Sue Wilson
9th John Wood
Once you have collected your hampers can we request that you return the hamper basket to the club so that we can use them again.
Thanks – Social Committee.
Oldham Golf Club
0161 624 4986
Source : club email 29th December 2021
Bar opening:-
Our Bar manageress Sue intends to open the bar at 11:30hrs on the following dates:-
Sunday 26th December, Monday 27th December and New Year’s Day.
The golf course itself will be open –weather dependant -over this period. There will be no Winter league competition on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th December, but there will be a stand-alone competition on the 26th. If your equipment is stored at the club and you need your golf clubs during this period please get them before mid-day Friday 24th December.
The club golf shop will be open as normal EXCEPT:-
The clubhouse will be open as normal EXCEPT:-
The kitchen will be closed from Sunday 19th December and will reopen on Wednesday 5th January.
Email 9th December 2021
Dear member.
The bottle draw this year will be on the 11th December. The lucky winners will be listed on the notice board in the lounge and your name will be put on the bottle for collection.
If you wish to donate a bottle please add your name to the notice board in the lounge. The bottle can be handed in to the office, bar or kitchen. Please have your donation at the club by Thursday 9th December.
If you want a chance to win a bottle then pick a number from the sheet near the bar, add your name, put £1 per number in a small brown envelope, and post the envelope in the slot at the end of the 19th bar. Once you have paid your money please tick the box next to your name on the number sheet.
p.p. Social Committee
From the 1st December 2021 to the end of March 2022 (4 months) £129
From the 1st January to the end of March 2022 (3 months) £109