A minimum of 12 players are required for any competition.
If a competition is not played on the allocated day it will be played on the following Thursday, replacing the event scheduled for that day.
Preference will always be given to the Singles Stableford + 3 Man Team (All to Score).
- Usually 1st Thursday in the month.
Singles (Stableford) + 3 man team (all to score). If there are only 2 players in a 3 man team then the total team score is the highest score of the 2 players plus double the lowest score. From March to October inclusive – The scores from the Singles Competition count towards the Brian Radcliffe Trophy. The best 4 scores in the 8 Competitions count.
- Usually 2nd Thursday in the month.
3 man Texas scramble (Medal). 1/4 of the combined handicaps is deducted from the gross score. If there are only 2 players in a 3 man team then the player with the lowest handicap has it doubled/adjusted. There must be 2 drives per player (whether there are 2 or 3 players in a team).
- Usually 3rd Thursday in the month.
3 man team (Stableford) (2 to score). If there are only 2 players in a 3 man team then the scores count as they are, no adjustment is made for their only being two players.
- Usually on the 4th and/or 5th Thursday in the month.
4 ball Better ball (Stableford). If there are only 3 players in a 4 ball then the player with the lowest handicap is “captain/professional” and a member of both teams.